Photos That Prove How DIY Arts and Crafts Projects Can Go Awry


Anyone for Some Mold?

If you're someone that loves handbags, you'll know that there are so many different kinds out there. There are designer handbags, fast-fashion handbags, vintage handbags, and... moldy vintage handbags? Yes, the person who bought this bag decided to add their own little crafty additions to it. They crocheted moldy spores onto the fabric, and we're not quite sure why. But we do feel a little bit nauseous when we look at it.

That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)
That's it, I'm craft shaming (bad crafts only)

But while this is a pretty strange arts and crafts project, it's fair to say that it does have its uses. After all, we don't think anyone will attempt to steal a moldy handbag!