Turns Out Coca-Cola Can Be Used for so Many Different Things Around the House


Use Coke Cans as Rollers

When it comes to curling their hair, beauty influencers worldwide, including Lady Gaga, have gotten creative. One nifty trick is to use Coke cans like rollers. Just wrap your locks around the can to give them definitive curls and volume. The best thing about this hack is that Coke-can-curlers don’t require any heat and are, therefore, much kinder to your hair. All you need for this hack is enough Coke cans to cover your head and bobby pins, hair ties, and hair spray to keep it in place.


Once the cans are secure on your head, leave them for a few hours. Then, when you take them out, you'll have newly curled locks cascading down your shoulders! Use empty, clean Coke cans - otherwise, you'll be carrying a heavy load!