Genius Hacks For a Sweat-Free, Affordable, and Tasty Summer


Stop Relying on Your Neighbors to Keep Your Plants Alive

Let's be real: many of us don't love our neighbors. But the thing about neighbors is that we need them to water our plants when we're out of town. That's the only thing we can do with neighbors other than arguing over inane issues such as property lines and mowed or unmowed grass. Thankfully, you may have just gained the chance to forego any interaction with your neighbors if you go ahead and use this little life hack.


Grab yourself a bottle of water, fill it up with (you guessed it) water, drill a hole in the cap to let the water slowly come out, and then flip the bottle, so the water gets on the plant's dirt. You can rest assured that your plants will be thoroughly watered while you're on vacation.