Clever Hacks That Make Airplane Travel so Much Easier


Middle Seats Are the Worst

Most of us know that amazing feeling of getting on a plane and finding out there's no one sitting next to us. But it usually feels like we must leave this miracle up to chance, and we sit there impatiently while everyone boards, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Fear not - we have a little hack that'll increase your odds of having an extra seat next to you.


The catch is that you need to fly with a plus one to get this trick done. While most of us pick seats directly next to our traveling companion, this is a mistake. One of you should always book the window seat and the other the aisle seat of the same row. That decreases the odds of someone sitting between you since no one likes the middle seat. And if things don't work out, you can just swap with the middle guy and still get to sit next to each other.